Water and Wastewater FAQs
How do I estimate the quantity of oxygen I need and what is the best way to control the dissolved oxygen levels?
Depending on the species of fish and the farm characteristics, Air Products water specialists can determine the requirements and the best way to inject and control the dissolved oxygen levels. Each species of fish and farm configuration are different and need a specific study to deliver the optimum solution. Based on many years’ experience in the sector, Air Products can specify the most suitable solution, from pure oxygen aerators to dissolved oxygen probes and transmitters. In addition, Air Products can design the oxygen injection panel to optimally manage the entire system based on the number of aerators.

What kind of gases are usually used in drinking water processes?
Ozone and carbon dioxide are the two main gases supplied by Air Products and commonly used in drinking water processes. Ozone is used for taste and odor removal, microcontaminant removal or disinfection. Carbon dioxide is mainly used for pH neutralization.

Is pure oxygen expensive compared to air to produce ozone?
Air-based ozone generators are huge consumers of energy. It is also necessary to treat the air flow before it enters the ozone generator to avoid humidity and organic pollutants entering the system. This pre-treatment requirement, allied to the high energy needs, make an air-based system expensive to operate and maintain. By using pure oxygen, the energy costs can be reduced threefold, while also eliminating the need for the expensive pre-treatments required with air. This makes the pure oxygen solution much lower in cost to the air system, while offering numerous technical advantages during operation.

Can pure oxygen replace air aerations systems?
Air Products technology allows you to boost the plant with pure oxygen without stopping the current air aeration. The concept we adopt is to cover the lack of oxygen that occurs during peak periods or to make up any shortfall from air aeration, all the while keeping the air aeration as active as possible. In some cases, pure oxygen will fully replace the air systems when the advantages, such as cost savings and productivity increase, are clearly identified or if the interactions between pure oxygen aerators and air-based aerators cannot be avoided. For every installation, Air Products’ technology and system expertise is focused on providing the most cost effective and efficient solution.