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Air Products Congratulates ARCHES and All U.S. DOE Hydrogen Hub Award Recipients

October 13, 2023

Air Products would like to congratulate the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES) and all of the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) Hydrogen Hub award recipients. We applaud the U.S. DOE’s decision to award California up to $1.2 billion for a regional clean hydrogen hub. Air Products is a proud member of ARCHES, the statewide public-private partnership and the organizer for California's Department of Energy clean hydrogen hub application. 

Hydrogen is key to reaching California’s clean energy and decarbonization goals, and the grant funding will drive additional investments in the state, leveraging new and existing infrastructure and creating new opportunities to expand the skilled industrial workforce. 

“As the global leading supplier of hydrogen today and leading producer of hydrogen with established infrastructure in California for decades, Air Products has committed billions of dollars globally and is executing real, clean hydrogen megaprojects to decarbonize the hard-to-abate transportation and industrial sectors of our economy, including heavy-duty trucking, goods movement, and port operations, among others,” said Eric Guter, Vice President, Hydrogen for Air Products. “Investments by the U.S. DOE, the state of California, and the private sector in clean hydrogen and related infrastructure will quickly deliver cleaner air and new, skilled jobs, particularly in front-line communities while expanding California’s green economy.”

We look forward to working with local stakeholders, including ARCHES in California, and the U.S. DOE to advance our clean hydrogen investments nationally.

Air Products CEO Discusses DOE Hydrogen Hub Awards

Air Products Chairman, President and CEO Seifi Ghasemi discusses the importance of the U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrogen Hub awards in scaling clean hydrogen in the U.S.

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